Moderator Application - USA/CAN

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Moderator Application - USA/CAN

Post by tela »

Hey hi. My current in-game name is tela, my dummy is named fee. For a month or so when I first found ddnet I went by j-cash with j-money as my dummy. I'm 29 and I live in Chicago, IL, USA but I'm a lot closer to the CAN server. The only language I can speak is English.

I started playing ddnet in August of 2020, within the first few days of the Steam release. I'm clearly a pretty new player and it seems like most moderators are older players with years of experience in the community. Admittedly I don't have that experience, but I'm still putting in my shot here with an application.

Over the past few months that I've been playing ddnet, I've been really sinking my time into this game. I mean really sinking my time. I've had players tell me that they've got a full nights sleep, did a full shift at work, came home and found me still playing ddnet. I've been using a small program to track my in-game hours, and betwen August 18th (the day I installed ddnet for the first time) and today, I've logged just shy of 1,500 hours running ddnet. That's roughly 8 hours a day. Some days I'll put in upwards of 18 hours straight, and only about once a week do I take a day off. As of today I'm up to 3637 points since October 15th when I started using the name tela. Of course points are no good indicator of how good of a moderator one can be, I'm only mentioning as a measure of my dedication. That 8 hour a day average is essentially my entire waking life between working full time and sleeping. Clearly, I love this game.

I'd say that because of how often I'm online, most other players on USA/CAN servers know who I am. At least the players who are on anywhere near as often as I am. A lot of these players I've built personal relationships with, many of them I play with several times a week. There are 3 moderators that I play with frequently. One of them gave me the idea to apply, and after talking with them a bit about what it's like, I think I'd actually be a great moderator. I get along with most everybody, I'm nice :), and I don't actually want to kick/ban anybody unless they absolutely deserve it.

My main interest in wanting to do this is mostly just to contribute and help the community. I am a big fan of FOSS in general. After reading deen's blog post about the technical side of how ddnet runs, and seeing some examples of how cheaters are dealt with, I am basically just really into how things are run around here. I am not much of a coder aside from some basic bash scripting, but I do have a history of idling in freenode irc rooms to help people troubleshoot software. Likewise, I'm usually lurking in the #questions room on the ddnet discord. Normally one would contribute to FOSS they like with programming. Well since I can't really help there, the most I can really do is help fund the servers once a year or help people with questions in the discord. I'd like to extend my help to moderating the USA/CAN servers to prevent common problems such as blocking, fun-voting, and incessant racism. As I said earlier, I'm active on ddnet about 8 hours a day, nearly everyday. At any point in that time I wouldn't mind checking the #reports room periodically for anybody being problematic. One other way I think I could help, is to have people directed to me for help with binds. I love the fact that players have access to a console with literal pages of settings and config options that can be bound to anything. I've spent a lot of time scouring the settings/commands page and experimenting with complex binds just for the sake of it. I think I'm pretty knowledgable with this and have noticed a lot of people come to the discord looking for help with binds. I'd be a good person to have questions like that directed to. I am almost always reachable on discord.

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions/comments either on this thread or on discord, my name there is tela#3221.

Thanks :) <3

PS: Not sure how useful this could be, but I have a lot of experience in Adobe suite and various DAWs (graphics/audio software). If that's ever something that's needed, I could help there too.
Last edited by tela on Thu Feb 25, 2021 8:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Moderator Application - USA/CAN

Post by Zukita »

+1 really good friend, definitely a good candidate!
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Re: Moderator Application - USA/CAN

Post by |GH0sT| »

+1 really cool responsible dude. I’ve known him since he started I think he’d be a good mod.
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Re: Moderator Application - USA/CAN

Post by haisito! »

Massive +1

Hasn't been playing for long, but is already clearly one of the coolest people in the USA community, and is dedicated to making this community a better place for all players. Would make a great moderator.
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Re: Moderator Application - USA/CAN

Post by Shouganai »

Easiest +1 of my life. I met tela when we were both around 200 points, and we had a friendly competition of who could keep the most points. He passed me at around 800 points and since then the gap has become insurmountable. A truly dedicated player and has a genuine love for both the game and the community. Most active US/CAN players know him well and he's friends with everyone. I know he wouldn't abuse his mod powers and would happily help make the gaming experience better for everyone.
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Re: Moderator Application - USA/CAN

Post by lynn »


Respectful player with a positive attitude and a focus on improving. They're already mapping, already teaching new players how to play, and they play with a few current USA moderators. I know from our conversations that tela is very interested in the technical side of the game and making sure the values of FOSS are upheld as DDNet attracts more mainstream attention. Can't really think of anything else anyone hasn't already said, definitely the best candidate I can think of right now. Also, my main name was "effyn" before (1.3k points) so though I may seem like a fresh player, I've been playing for roughly the same amount of time as tela :D
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Re: Moderator Application - USA/CAN

Post by SALAD »

Tela, tela, tela...
Tela is the type of player that we desperately NEED in Teeworlds. A player like this comes around only once so often. Players like this are incredibly rare and profoundly valuable... Tela cares about teeworlds and actually loves the game and the players. If you want this game to thrive then we have to promote and we have to encourage love for this game and the playerbase. Tela is the epitome of a great player and a great example. Enough raving from me, i've been playing this game for over 10 years now and I can count on one hand the number of players like tela <3 :D

ok sorry for that hehe. but for real, this guy deserves mod... !
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Re: Moderator Application - USA/CAN

Post by Learath2 »

Accepted, contact me on discord.

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