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New entity suggestion: enemies (bots)

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 11:14 am
by hannibal
Hi all,

I would like to propose a new feature for DDRace. I think it could bring a certain variety to the DDRace experience. I would not want it to be used on every map, but sometimes, when the map-style allows it, I think it could improve the "adventure-feeling" of a map.

Ok last night I was thinking: "DDrace is actually just like a jump'n'run game. Pass stages until you reach the finish." Then I thought about classic jump'n'run games like Super Mario etc. and i realized that there still is a difference: Super Mario has enemies! Bad guys that kill you if you don't jump over or kill them. Bots that walk from left to right on a platform until they walk against a wall, then they turn around and walk back.

We already have bots in Teeworlds, there is a mod like "zombie-mode" where waves of different bots try to kill you. First they will use hammer, later they become harder when they use laser / grenade.

My suggestion is that we make it possible to add bot-enemies like that to our DDRace-maps.


Examples of uses for the feature:

I imagine a part where you fall through some freeze tiles and land on a stage. In the 3 seconds that you need to unfreeze, the bots would already have killed you. So the solution is: stay on top, find a weapon somewhere up there and take out that fucker from up there before you go down and continue the classic ddrace-part.

The classic "get-gun-before-you-move-on"-part. In front of you, there is a room with 20 enemies. Impossible to get through without killing them. So you go back first, do a gore-part or drag-part or whatever to get a weapon, then you can proceed.

You can place bot-snipers that are hidden somehow and you have to pull off difficult grenade-angles to kill him. Or laser-wallshots.

Of course, with some creativity, mappers will find ways to make teamplay needed for these parts. For example: to kill your enemy, you need to be in a place where you are freezed. So one jumps in the freeze, other one lasers him and the one in freeze can kill the enemy. Or hook your friend and let him hang on your hook down a wall (maybe through a 1-block-freeze-area so your friend needs to wait for unfreeze) and he can kill him.

Or the weapon to kill the enemy is just where the enemy stands right now. So your friend needs to distract the bot and make the bot run after him. Your friend runs away and you can get the weapon while the bot runs after your friend.


My point is: Every role-player-game uses these dynamics: Fight - solve puzzle - fight - solve puzzle - fight - solve puzzle - fight .. etc. I think we could tell epic stories with our maps, we could make DDRace feel like a role-player-game. Imagine a SWAT-team-setting and the story is told like: "you land on the roof with your SWAT-special-force-team. Clear all floors. Care for traps, guys!"

Or a map where you "break out of a prison". You have no weapons, never, so no chance to kill any bot. You have to sneak around the bots splinter-cell-like and avoid being seen by them. And if they see you, you RUN.


I have no idea if I'm crazy and this idea sucks or if it's impossible to implement. I couldn't do it, that's for sure. But I thought I would share.

Re: New entity suggestion: enemies (bots)

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 12:47 pm
by imp
I think DDrace should stay DDrace. This rather sounds like a new mode.. something like DDfight ^^

Re: New entity suggestion: enemies (bots)

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 2:26 pm
by Ama
there was something like this called adventure

Re: New entity suggestion: enemies (bots)

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 1:23 pm
by maggi323
I think hannibal means it different, like new moving entities, we have moving hearts, laser and how about moving kill tiles, but idk if that's good for ddrace :/

Re: New entity suggestion: enemies (bots)

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 1:50 pm
by kamillentee
Ya that's awesome. So much new possibilities with more moving tiles like teles or kills. It's a really good idea. But dunno if its possible or not to hard to implement.

Re: New entity suggestion: enemies (bots)

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 3:44 pm
by Soreu
kamillentee wrote:Ya that's awesome. So much new possibilities with more moving tiles like teles or kills. It's a really good idea. But dunno if its possible or not to hard to implement.

Re: New entity suggestion: enemies (bots)

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 4:51 pm
by imp
I think that it would be really cool if there was some tile that removes a moving weapon/freeze-laser... At the moment you always need a cycle like: -> <-
What about a tile that deletes/removes such a moving laser/rifle. If you do it with the classic method the weapon will always move a defined way forth and back or in a circle.

Also what about moving doors?

Re: New entity suggestion: enemies (bots)

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 4:57 pm
by kamillentee
And appearing and disappearing (un)bookable s ^^
Nono I guess that's really to much

Re: New entity suggestion: enemies (bots)

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 5:12 pm
by Lady Saavik
kamillentee wrote:And appearing and disappearing (un)bookable s ^^
Sorry but you could do it with Envelopes :P
But not when you mean whole 'game tile' :(

Many people wanted moving blocks - un- and hookables but they said it's impossible.

Re: New entity suggestion: enemies (bots)

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 8:14 pm
by kamillentee
Lady Saavik wrote:
kamillentee wrote:And appearing and disappearing (un)bookable s ^^
Sorry but you could do it with Envelopes :P
But not when you mean whole 'game tile' :(

Many people wanted moving blocks - un- and hookables but they said it's impossible.
You are talking about graphix and I'm about entities or am I wrong.