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Remove the banning system

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 9:20 pm
by stompie
First reason
KIDS!!!!!! people that are clearly over the age but keep kicking for "fun" and just to annoy people
What Happened: i join a server with 8 guys on it one guy instantly type to me "go away" like any guy i said muted and i muted him simple right? 1 minute later vote comes up to kick me reason mean at this point i dont care and just type my giggle in chat "haha wow" next thing i get banned for what reason NO ONE KNOWS i joined a server just started doing hte filter before i could do any of the map i get banned because a little kid got his nikkers in a twist because 3 WEEKS! ago i kicked his friend for blocking me now hes still butthurt and EVERY SINGLE GOD DAM TIME i join a server where conveniently hes on and get kicked within 2 minutes of joining

simple solution u say? just join another server just join a team well in SA i cant do that so much because of the small player base not a lot of people play at one time so i obviously join the server with the most people in it ,and im not to good with my dummy so i cant just play in team with dummy

AAAND i know this is a game that most kids are going to play but i have talked and played with this guy a few times so im tired of people that are seemingly "grown up" getting butthurt and then have the ability to kick me because no one looks at the vote if its not a map vote and they just press f3 "for the fun"

2 Options
-Remove Banning system on DDrace servers add vote to mute people instead of banning
-Rewrite voting system to be more fair ( not a easy solution)

and finaly i could add a whole list of swear words to imprint what i said into you but thats not really necessary seeing as (I hope) most of you are mature enough to understand my situation feel free to argue

Re: Remove the banning system

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 9:52 pm
by Ryozuki
Long time ago i was playing with a group of tees, and when we were near end they vote kicked me out.
Sadly i doubt the system will change. Try to play on servers with more people to be more "safe"

Re: Remove the banning system

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 10:47 pm
by stompie
More people isnt really a option unless i play with 200 ping 8 is like a miracle if there are that many in one server

Re: Remove the banning system

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 11:27 pm
by Chairn
Muting doesn't protect against blockers. I'm afraid there's nothing we can do about unfair votes.

Re: Remove the banning system

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 11:48 pm
by stompie
its fine if they block cause that u can just team against and funvotes is a thing they need to think about fixing its a serious problem and i would love for it to get fixed in some manner

Re: Remove the banning system

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 12:10 pm
by timakro
The kick system is useless as it is right now, it doesn't depend on what the kick voted person does but on how many players are on the server. Of course it is possible to kick a player that blocks you when you are in a team with a few friends and there are no other people on the server and it is possible to prevent one of your teammates from being kicked "for fun" by that person. But on full servers you can't kick blockers because everyone on the server had to pause and check if the kick voted person is blocking and vote based on that which nobody does obviously. And it is possible for a few people that want to kick you "for fun" to do so because the most players will just vote for what the majority voted for so far.

Re: Remove the banning system

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 5:45 pm
by Kiewiet
Stompie as of now the only option i can think off is becoming a ingame moderator or by making the vote system instead of kicking you. It will for the rest of the time you are in the map or server remove the power to finnish or get rank untill a new map is voted. Kinda like going Super mode in test unable to get time ( Points). And by any chance isit Getsuga or Showoff ?

Re: Remove the banning system

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 6:00 pm
by stompie
@Kiewiet its Getsuga and becoming a moderator would not make a difference only to the point where i c ant be kicked but that wouldnt be fair if i got mod just to make me not be banned
@timakro that is the problem with only 5 people on a server you can kick as much as you want

Re: Remove the banning system

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 9:40 pm
by Im 'corneum
This might be stupid but what about something like Area-vote(only kick/specvotes). where only the nearest 16 people can vote.
also the vote window should only be seen by the nearest 16 of course.

i know this wouldnt help stompie, but this way maybe the vote doesnt depend on the number of players on the server.

Re: Remove the banning system

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 9:52 pm
by Chairn
Except if there are less than 16 people on server, which is often the case for him.