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Map Editor feature: Set as

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 2:17 am
by Cellegen
As we all may know, we had a lot of hard work on making such good maps and beautiful ideas for more inspirations and fun.
The only issue it was time and patients from mappers which it made it more difficult to produce anything. Some people have really good
methods for make the best possible results out of his ideas with shorter time, otherwise some people are finding it time consuming.
this example give our mappers a familiar situation which it shouldn't be like that:
- Manually mapping the Entities compare to the Gametiles.

Manually mapping the Entities will give us 5 times, or compare to the map's size or the creative ideas it was given; 10 times more time consuming than usually
making it with one button.
What im trying to suggest is, add a new window on every Tiles option we are creating that is capable of automaticly place the current entities we are giving on.
Something like this: aaaam
well its somethingShow
New Canvas.png
New Canvas.png (785.63 KiB) Viewed 3997 times

Re: Map Editor feature: Set as

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 2:21 am
by Cellegen
i'll look forward to find other things that are an issue there, and ye i should make it off-topic, so people could speak their ideas and opinions about mapping features.

Re: Map Editor feature: Set as

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 10:02 am
by mokuz
This would actually be very helpful