Why IPv6 UDP ports with the IPv4 UDP ports?

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Why IPv6 UDP ports with the IPv4 UDP ports?

Post by linuxmint173 »

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tcpdump -i eth0 ip6 and udp -vvv -X -l | tee udp6_`date +%Y%m%d%H%M`.txt
Nothing. There are no servers with IPv6 addresses either. I have 3 ports on my computer that can be accessed with my IPv6 internet address now. Why not just open all UDP IPv6 ports from 1024 to 65535? Why not? Maybe they will all be used within 5,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years right? That's thinkin' smart. Thinking ahead of the game!
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Re: Why IPv6 UDP ports with the IPv4 UDP ports?

Post by deen »

The Teeworlds master servers don't allow registering ipv6 servers right now. Internally in DDNet we don't expose our ipv6 addresses because the DDoS protection is usually non-existant or worse than for ipv4. Additionally a server would be shown twice, like in LAN, so we'd have to explain to the client that two servers can be the same with different ips. Once there are the first players without any kind of access to ipv4, we will rethink this.

Edit: I also often noticed much worse routing with ipv6.
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