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How to keep your own entities (and other files that get autoupdated)

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 10:15 pm
by deen
How to keep files that get autoupdated
written by deen

Since I get a lot of messages about this, here's to keep your own entities (and other files) when they get autoupdated:

Don't store them in the DDNet directory! Store them in your config_directory instead! config_directory/editor for entities_clear for example. (~/.teeworlds for non-Windows systems)

You can also save your additional skins, game graphics and whatever there, so you don't have to copy and paste each time you change or redownload client.

The reason why this works is that Teeworlds clients always look in the config_directory first, afterwards in the client's directory. (which is specified in the storage.cfg)